RE-VIEW East - MissionPREP
July 27 - August 1, 2025 Cambridge ON
RE-VIEW is a period of reflection for cross-cultural workers (individuals, couples and families) in transition. Opportunity is given to process the missionary journey with experienced cross-cultural workers who care and to gain perspective on the next phase of life. Register here for the July 2025 programs.
RE-VIEW West - the MORE Network
November 16 - 21, 2025 Water Valley, AB
Please see the MORE Network’s website for more information for RE-VIEW West. Register here for the November 2025 program.
The MORE Network provides MK transition retreats specifically for MKs aged 17-20 years (Classic ReBoot) and aged 21-35 years (Wilderness ReBoot.)
Importance of Third Party Debriefing
Missionaries transitioning from living cross-culturally have stories of joys and challenges. Debriefing their experience honours God’s call by recognizing and celebrating His fingerprints along the journey. A third party debriefing will provide the extra time, experience
and confidentiality that missionary organizations may not be able to offer. As well, sharing and learning with other transitioning missionaries in a small group setting has proven to be very enriching.
“Dr Debbie Lovell-Hawker from the Oxford University Psychiatry Department states, “Providing emotional help… brings people to greater health and healing. Research indicates that some people who do not receive a debriefing feel devalued. Those who receive a debriefing tend to find it a positive experience and have fewer trauma-related symptoms.”
What to Expect at RE-VIEW
You will be given an opportunity for:
Reflecting on your cross-cultural experience
Sharing your story
Meeting with other missionaries in transition
Learning from experienced missionaries
One-on-one debriefing sessions
Small groups
Thinking ahead prayerfully
Children & youth to be debriefed in a specialized program
Time to process experience as a couple, single, family
Worship, prayer & rest
Dates / Locations
East - July 27 - August 1, 2025 Heritage College. Cambridge ON
West - November 16-21 Rivers Edge Camp, Water Valley, AB
When Should I Attend?
When you choose to attend our programs is very important. For RE-VIEW, we advise if possible that you attend after you have spent an initial 2-3 months of resettling in your passport country which will help identify the issues of importance and concern for you and your children.
The fees below are applicable for 2025 in person. Pricing may change for 2026 programs. A non-refundable deposit of $100 per adult and $50 per child is due at the time of registration and will apply towards your program fees. Please contact us about subsidies if you have more than two children.
Pricing: Includes Room and Board | |
Adult retreat format (per person) | $1100 |
Youth retreat format (Nursery, Children and Teens) | $750 |