Our Identity

We are a community of cross-culturally experienced followers of Christ, from churches and agencies, called together to equip vocational Kingdom workers and their families for effective global ministry and transitions.

Our Vision

We envision a host of followers of Christ, God dependent, well equipped, and serving effectively, among all peoples to build Christ’s Kingdom.

Our Mission

We offer training and debriefing in a Canadian context for effective cross-cultural life and ministry to individuals and families. We do this by facilitating the most appropriate learning opportunities, and by fostering collaboration among training organizations and senders.

Our Core Values

Sandy African Feet

MissionPREP’s Core Values are based on the example of Jesus, who demonstrated and taught that wholehearted love for God and sacrificial love for people are the highest values we can aspire to. Thus, the Core Values which guide MissionPREP and influence our policies and practices are built on the foundation of love.

 1      Collaboration

We are an organization composed of individuals and groups committed to training and supporting Christians to live and minister cross-culturally. We prioritize working together with others who have a similar Kingdom vision.

2      Cultural Relevance

We design programs which reflect sensitivity towards the learners and the contexts which they will live and minister in.  We affirm God's sovereign creation and redeeming work among all cultures and peoples on the earth.  We value facilitators which bring experience from a wide range of specific cultures and who model respect toward others.

3       Community

We believe learning happens both formally in the classroom and informally in the process of experiencing life together. We believe that the entire family can be prepared to minister cross-culturally.  We organize our programs to attend to the needs of singles, couples, and families and to foster healthy interaction in community.

4     Character

We value and seek to model honesty, authenticity, consistency and trustworthiness in our policies and practices.  We desire to teach and live out the principles and Spirit of God's word in our relationships and activities.

5     Change

At all levels of our organization we regularly reflect on our mission, goals, activities and the manner in which we accomplish them.  We receive input from stakeholders and consultants in order to evaluate our own effectiveness and to maximize the impact of the learning which occurs in and beyond our programs.





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