RE-VIEW is a five-day period of reflection for cross-cultural workers and their families in transition. Opportunity is given to process the missionary journey with experienced cross-cultural workers who care and to prayerfully consider re-entry and gain perspective on the next phase of life. This retreat is developed based on the principles acquired at Mission Training International's Consultation on Debrief and Renewal (CODAR) program in Palmer Lake, Colorado.

*We believe strongly in the value of debriefing and currently subsidize the cost of RE-VIEW by $100 per adult and $100 per child to reduce the costs from  $750 per adult and $500 per child.  This is because of generous help from the CMKN/MORE Network and other donors. We encourage home churches to consider helping with this subsidy through donations.

Importance of Third Party Debriefing

the extra time, experience and confidentiality that missionary organizations may not be able to offer. As well, sharing and learning with other transitioning missionaries in a small group setting has proven to be very enriching.  

Missionaries transitioning from living cross-culturally have stories of joys and challenges. Debriefing their experience honours God’s call by recognizing and celebrating His fingerprints along the journey.  A third party debriefing will provide

Dr Debbie Lovell-Hawker from the Oxford University Psychiatry Department states, “Providing emotional help… brings people to greater health and healing. Research indicates that some people who do not receive a debriefing feel devalued. Those who receive a debriefing tend to find it a positive experience and have fewer trauma-related symptoms.
— ​Taken from

What to Expect

You will be given an opportunity for:

  • Reflecting on your cross-cultural experience

  • Sharing your story

  • Meeting with other missionaries in transition

  • Learning from experienced missionaries

  • One-on-one coaching sessions

  • Small groups

  • Thinking ahead prayerfully

  • Children & youth to be debriefed in a specialized program

  • Time to process experience as a couple, single, family

  • Worship, prayer & rest

  • Confidentiality

  • Comfortable accommodations

Dates / Locations

When Should I Attend?

When you choose to attend our programs is very important. For RE-VIEW, we advise that you attend after you have spent an initial 2-3 months of resettling in your passport country which will help identify the issues of importance and concern for you and your children.


We believe strongly in the value of debriefing and currently subsidize the cost of RE-VIEW by $100 per adult and $100 per child to reduce the costs from $750 per adult and $500 per child. This is because of generous help from the CMKN/MORE Network and other donors. We encourage home churches to consider helping with this subsidy through donations.

The fees below are applicable for 2019.  Pricing may change for 2020 programs.

Adult $650
Youth (12-17 yrs) $400
Child (0-11 yrs) $400

*Fees include room and board, instruction and materials.