PLANTS is a two week intensive program that teaches effective skills and the right heart attitude to help participants confidently learn a new languaculture (language + culture). Opportunity for immediate implementation of new skills is provided through ten hours with a Language Nurturer in a small group. Additionally, PLANTS for children is designed with age appropriate materials to help children transition well and gain confidence that they can learn a new language and culture.
Oct. 29 - Nov. 9, 2018
OMF Guesthouse, 1058 Avenue Rd, Toronto ON, taught by Dr. Peter Pikkert
Peter Pikkert is a lifelong languaculture learner who has spent most of his adult life in the Middle East. Since 2014 he and his wife Anna have served at Cornerstone Bible College for Mission Training in The Netherlands where he teaches Missions, Bible and Doctrine. PLANTS is a participatory, understanding-comes-first method which mirrors how children learn yet is designed as an integrated, personalized, pro-active, long-term approach for adults to be languaculture learners. During PLANTS you will have 10 hours with a language helper/nurturer in a small group to practice methods and gain skills and confidence.
- a 10-day program (middle weekend without class instruction)
- Discussion of benefits of grammatical and Language Helper approaches
- an extensive resource notebook of languaculture learning techniques
- understanding of the inseparable nature of language and culture (languaculture)
- discovering the importance of entering a new culture as a humble servant
- creation of a language learning plan to fit the learner and the context
- foundations of Phonetics: ears trained to begin to distinguish the fine difference between sounds and understanding of the structure of the vocal apparatus and how it is used to produce speech sounds
- encouragement through meeting other cross-cultural workers on the journey of transition to a new people group
- 10 hours of skills practice with a language helper/nurturer in a small group
- an age appropriate and fun children's program designed to help children transition well by building confidence in their ability to learn a new languaculture.
June 4-15, 2018
Heritage College & Seminary, Cambridge ON, taught by some of the pioneers in the GRPA approach.
For “language learning” to be successful, it helps if it is integrated into a bigger picture of "life-learning” in another people group. As you go to serve in another group you find yourself at point zero: you don’t understand a thing you hear people say! In addition much of what they do seems really strange. How do you get from point zero to an ongoing life in which you are deeply understand people’s hearts, and can share your own with them, making Christ known in ways that are really meaningful to them? PLANTS-GRPA is a two-week intensive course covering a strategy for this called “Growing Redemptive Participation,” which takes workers from point zero to full participation in the life-world of another people group
- The strategy is suitable for individuals, couples, families and teams.
- It encourages—and provides guidance for—about 1,500 hours of “special growth activities” with local people.
- You will experience “the first-ten hours” of growing redemptive participation in a people group that is new to you, through face-to-face activities with a live member of that group who helps you take “your first baby steps” into his or her world.
- You’ll take part in English simulations of activities covering the entire recommended 1,500 hours—all in just two weeks.
- This course will be led by some of the leading pioneers in the Growing Redemptive Participation framework.
- foundations of Phonetics: ears trained to begin to distinguish the fine difference between sounds and understanding of the structure of the vocal apparatus and how it is used to produce speech sounds taught by a professional phonetician
- encouragement through meeting other cross-cultural workers on the journey of transition to a new people group
- an age appropriate and fun children's program designed to help children transition well and learn confidently enter a new languaculture
The fees below are applicable for 2018. Pricing may change for 2019 programs.
Single | Couple | Nursery 0-2 yrs |
Child 3-11 yrs |
Youth 12-17 yrs |
Commuter* | $1275 | $2460 | $645 | $735 | $965 |
Room & Board** | $1885 | $3670 | $645 | $1020 | $1480 |
* Includes tuition, weekday lunches, 2 dinners and coffee breaks.
** Costs are based on double occupancy. There is an additional charge for a single room. Breakfast only is served on the weekend.
Alumni Recommendations
PLANTS is an essential tool for cross cultural workers to thrive in their new environment. It’s more than just a “How to learn a language”. It’s about building relationships, growing in grace & bringing ‘The Light of the World’ to people who don’t know him in a tangible and personal way. Alumnus 2016
What I expected from the training was to gain skills, tools and confidence for language learning and I did. What I didn’t expect was a shift in my perspective on language learning and the role it plays in allowing Jesus to be knowable through me. I am most thankful for this and more eager than ever. Alumnus 2016